Library information


Netdev is asynchronous multi-vendor library for interacting with network devices. So you can create many simultaneous connection to network devices for parallel executing commands.

For creating connection to network device you should use function create() like this:

async def working_with_netdev():
   dev = netdev.create(host='host', username='username', password='password', device_type='device_type')
   await dev.connect() # Connecting and preparing session for working
   output = await dev.send_command('command') # working with command in privilege/user mode
   output = await dev.send_config_set(['first_command','second_command'] #working with commands in config mode
   await dev.disconnect() #disconnecting from device

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

or the same with using async context manager:

async def working_with_netdev():
   async with netdev.create(host='host', username='username', password='password', device_type='device_type') as dev:
       output = await dev.send_command('command') # working with command in privilege/user mode
       output = await dev.send_config_set(['first_command','second_command'] #working with commands in config mode

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Library structure

Library consist from several base classes and end classes which using for communication. The main class is BaseDevice. It provides some basic functionality regardless of device type. Library also have three common child classes: IOSLikeDevice, ComwareLikeDevice and JunOSLikeDevice.

IOSLikeDevice class provides basic methods for Cisco IOS like devices: devices which have user exec, privilege exec and conf mode concepts.

ComwareLikeDevice class provides basic methods for HP Comware like devices: these devices have only exec view and system view concepts.

JunOSLikeDevice class provides basic methods for Juniper JunOS like devices: they have operation mode and configuration mode concepts with committing changes.

All other classes are the end classes which you can use for working with particular device:

The particular class selected by parameter device_type in create()


For debugging purpose library has logger object. You can use it like this:

import netdev

netdev_logger = netdev.logger

#Your own code

Common public methods and properties

Base classes have several common public methods.

Managing flow

For working with network device firstly you need to connect to device and after working you need to disconnect from device. For this purpose are used these methods:

Sending commands

Some devices using mode principle: exists exec mode and configuration mode. Exec mode are used for getting some information from device, configuration mode are used for configuration device. For this purpose netdev have 2 basic methods:

This method is used for sending specific command to device in exec mode. Basically for getting some information from device

This method are used for sending command list to device in configuration mode. Command list is the list of all commands which configure device.

Some others